Tuesday, August 5, 2008

CCNA - 1

1. As system administrator, you type “debug ipx sap” and receive the following lines as part of the IOS
response: type 0×4, “HELLO2_, 199.0002.0003.0006 (451), 2 hops type 0×4, “HELLO1_,
199.0002.0003.0008 (451), 2 hops What does “0×4_ signify?
* That is a Get Nearest Server response.
* That it is a General query.
* That it is a General response.
* That it is a Get Nearest Server request.
Correct answer: A
2. To monitor IP igrp traffic, you can use “debug IP igrp transaction” or “debug IP igrp events”. How do you
display information about IPX routing update packets?
* debug routing
* debug ipx transaction
* debug ipx routing activity
* debug ipx events
Correct answer: C
3. To monitor ipx traffic on a network, what command would you use?
* debug ipx transaction
* show ipx traffic
* show ipx events
* display ipx traffic
Correct answer: B
4. What command would you use to find out the names of Novell servers on a network?
* show ipx servers
* show ipx hosts
* show ipx sap
* show ipx nodes.
Correct answer: A
5. The “ipx delay number” command will allow an administrator to change the default settings. What are the
default settings?
* For LAN interfaces, one tick; for WAN interfaces, six ticks
* For LAN interfaces, six ticks; for WAN interfaces, one tick
* For LAN interfaces, zero ticks; for WAN interfaces, five ticks
* For LAN interfaces, five ticks; for WAN interfaces, zero Ticks
Correct answer: A
The default is–for LAN interfaces, one tick; for WAN interfaces, six ticks
6. As a system administrator, you need to set up one Ethernet interface on the Cisco router to allow for both
sap and Novell-ether encapsulations. Which set of commands will accomplish this?
* interface ethernet 0.1 ipx encapsulation Novell-ether ipx network 9e interface ethernet 0.2 ipx network
* interface ethernet 0 ipx encapsulation Novell-ether ipx network 9e interface ethernet 0 ipx encapsulation
sap ipx network 6c
* interface ethernet 0.1 ipx encapsulation Novell-ether interface ethernet 0.2 ipx encapsulation sap
* interface ethernet 0.1ipx encapsulation Novell-ether ipx network 9e interface ethernet 0.2 ipx
encapsulation sap ipx network 6c
Correct answer: D
The following commands setup the subinterfaces to allow for two types of encapsulation: interface ethernet
0.1 ipx encapsulation Novell-ether ipx network 9e interface ethernet 0.2 ipx encapsulation sap ipx network
7. What does the “IPX maximum-paths 2_ command accomplish?
* It enables load sharing on 2 paths if the paths are equal metric paths.
* It sets up routing to go to network 2.
* It is the default for Cisco IPX load sharing.
* It enables load sharing on 2 paths if the paths are unequal metric paths.
Correct answer: A
It enables load sharing on 2 paths if the paths are equal metric paths. The default is 1 path and the
maximum is 512 paths.
8. You want to enable both arpa and snap encapsulation on one router interface. How do you do this?
* The interface can handle multiple encapsulation types with no extra configuration.
* Assign two network numbers, one for each encapsulation type.
* Enable Novell-ether to run multiple encapsulation types.
* Both arpa and snap are enabled by default so you don’t have to configure anything.
Correct answer: B
To assign multiple network numbers, you usually use subinterfaces. A sample configuration follows: ipx
ethernet 0.1 ipx encapsulation novell-ether ipx network 9e interface ethernet 0.2 ipx encapsulation sap ipx
network 6c
By default, Cisco routers forward GNS SAPs to remote networks.
* False
* True
Correct answer: A
GNS is Novell’s protocol to Get Nearest Server. If there is a server on the local network, that server will
respond. If there isn’t, the Cisco router has to be configured to forward the GNS SAP.
9. To prevent Service Advertisements (SAPs) from flooding a network, Cisco routers do not forward them.
How are services advertised to other networks?
* Each router builds its own SAP table and forwards that every 60 seconds.
* Each router assigns a service number and broadcasts that.
* SAPs aren’t necessary with Cisco routers.
* Cisco routers filter out all SAPs.
Correct answer: A
Cisco routers build SAP tables and forward the table every 60 seconds. All SAPs can’t be filtered even
with 4.x since NDS and time synchronization uses SAPs.
10. Novell’s implementation of RIP updates routing tables every ____ seconds.
* 60
* 90
* 10
* 30
Correct answer: A
Novell’s RIP updates routing tables every 60 seconds, Apple’s RTMP is every 10 seconds, routers ARP
every 60 seconds, IGRP signal every 90 seconds, and Banyan VINES signals every 90 seconds.
11. In Novell’s use of RIP, there are two metrics used to make routing decisions. Select the two metrics.
* Ticks.
* Hops
* Loops
* Counts
Correct answer: A &B
It first uses ticks (which is about 1/18 sec.); if there is a tie, it uses hops; if hops are equal, then it uses an
administratively assigned tiebreaker.
12. What is the Cisco name for the encapsulation type used on a serial interface?
Correct answer: A
13. “arpa” is used by the Cisco IOS for which encapsulation types?
* Ethernet_II
* Ethernet_802.3
* Ethernet_802.2
* Ethernet_SNAP
Correct answer: A
14. Novell’s IPX and Cisco’s IOS name their protocols differently. Cisco uses sap for Ethernet_802.2, Token-
Ring, and Novell’s FDDI_802.2. Cisco uses snap for Ethernet_SNAP, Token-Ring_SNAP, and FDDI_
SNAP. Cisco uses arpa for Ethernet_II and, finally the default is Novell-ether for Novell’s Ethernet_802.3.
“snap” is used by the Cisco IOS for which encapsulation types?
* Ethernet_SNAP
* Token-Ring_SNAP
* Novell-SNAP
* Novell-FDDI.
Correct answer: A,B &C
15. Novell’s IPX and Cisco’s IOS name their protocols differently. Cisco uses sap for Ethernet_802.2, Token-
Ring, and Novell’s FDDI_802.2. Cisco uses snap for Ethernet_SNAP, Token-Ring_SNAP, and FDDI_
SNAP. Cisco uses arpa for Ethernet_II and, finally the default is Novell-ether for Novell’s Ethernet_
802.3.15 “sap” is used by the Cisco IOS for which encapsulation types?
* Ethernet_802.2
* Token-Ring
* Ethernet_802.3
* FDDI_802.2
Correct answer: A,B &E
16. Novell’s IPX and Cisco’s IOS name their protocols differently. Cisco uses sap for Ethernet_802.2, Token-
Ring, and Novell’s FDDI_802.2. Cisco uses snap for Ethernet_SNAP, Token-Ring_SNAP, and FDDI_
SNAP. Cisco uses arpa for Ethernet_II and, finally the default is Novell-ether for Novell’s Ethernet_802.3.
Which type of Ethernet framing is used for TCP/IP and AppleTalk?
* Ethernet 802.3
* Ethernet 802.2
* Ethernet II
* Ethernet SNAP
Correct answer: D
Ethernet 802.3 is used with NetWare versions 2 through 3.11, Ethernet 802.2 is used with NetWare 3.12
and later plus OSI routing, Ethernet II is used with TCP/IP and DECnet, and Ethernet SNAP is used with
TCP/IP and AppleTalk.
17. Which type of Ethernet framing is used for TCP/IP and DECnet?
* Ethernet 802.3
* Ethernet 802.2
* Ethernet II
* Ethernet SNAP
Correct answer: C
Ethernet 802.3 is used with NetWare versions 2 through 3.11, Ethernet 802.2 is used with NetWare 3.12
and later plus OSI routing, Ethernet II is used with TCP/IP and DECnet, and Ethernet SNAP is used with
TCP/IP and AppleTalk.
18. You are a system administrator on a NetWare network, you are running NetWare 4.11 and you cannot
communicate with your router. What is the likely problem?
* NetWare 4.11 defaults to 802.2 encapsulation.
* NetWare 4.11 defaults to 802.3 encapsulation
* Cisco routers only work with NetWare 3.11.
* NetWare 3.11 defaults to 802.2 encapsulation.
Correct answer: A
The default encapsulation on Cisco routers is Novell Ethernet_802.3 and NetWare 3.12 and later defaults
to 802.2 encapsulation, 3.11 and earlier defaults to 802.3.
19. NetWare IPX addressing uses a network number and a node number. Which statements are true?
* The network address is administratively assigned and can be up to 16 hexadecimal digits long.
* The node address is always administratively assigned.
* The node address is usually the MAC address.
* If the MAC address is used as the node address, then IPX eliminates the use of ARP.
Correct answer: A, C &D
The network address can be up to 16 hexadecimal digits in length. The node number is 12 hexadecimal
digits. The node address is usually the MAC address. An example IPX address is 4a1d.0000.0c56.de33.
The network part is 4a1d. The node part is 0000.0c56.de33. The network number is assigned by the system
administrator of the Novell network.
20. Which NetWare protocol works on layer 3–network layer—of the OSI model?
Correct answer: A
IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange) is a NetWare network layer 3 protocol used for transferring
information on LANs.
21. Which NetWare protocol provides link-state routing?
Correct answer: A
NetWare Link Services Protocol (NLSP) provides link-state routing. SAP (Service Advertisement
Protocol) advertises network services. NCP (NetWare Core Protocol) provides client-to-server connections
and applications. RIP is a distance vector routing protocol.
22. As a system administrator, you want to debug igrp but are worried that the “debug IP igrp transaction”
command will flood the console. What is the command that you should use?
* debug IP igrp event
* debug IP igrp-events
* debug IP igrp summary
* debug IP igrp events
Correct answer: D
The “debug IP igrp events” is used to only display a summary of IGRP routing information. You can
append an IP address onto either command to see only the IGRP updates from a neighbor.
23. What does the following series of commands accomplish? router igrp 71 network router igrp 109
* It isolates networks and
* It loads igrp for networks 109 and 71.
* It disables RIP.
* It disables all routing protocols.
Correct answer: A
It isolates network and and associates autonomous systems 109 and 71 with IGRP.
IGRP does not disable RIP, both can be used at the same time.
24. In the command “router igrp 109_ what does 109 signify?
* an autonomous system
* any network number which the router is attached to
* the allowable length of the routing table
* the network socket number
Correct answer: A
The Cisco IOS global configuration command “router igrp xxx” is used to configure the Interior Gateway
Routing Protocol. In this case, the 109 is called the process-id , which can also be used for an autonomous
system number.
25. IGRP supports a feature that allows traffic to be distributed among up to 6 (4 default) paths to provide
greater overall throughput and reliability. What is this called?
* unequal-cost load balancing
* equal-cost load balancing
* proportionate load balancing
* low cost load balancing
Correct answer: A
An unequal-cost load balancing is used to provide alternate paths for data distribution on an internetwork.
Cisco developed this method to use unused or under utilized links to increase bandwidth and network
26. IGRP uses flash updates, poison reverse updates, holddown times, and split horizon. How often does it
broadcast its routing table updates?
* 90 seconds
* 10 seconds
* 30 seconds
* 45 seconds
Correct answer: A
27. The command “show IP protocol” displays which information?
* routing timers
* network information
* contents of the IP routing table
* information about all known network and subnetworks
Correct answer: A & B
“show IP protocol” displays routing timers and network information. “show IP route” displays the routing
table with information about all known networks and subnetworks.
28. When using RIP, routing updates are broadcast every ____ seconds.
* 30
* 10
* 60
* 90
Correct answer: A
Novell’s RIP updates routing tables every 60 seconds, Apple’s RTMP is every 10 seconds, routers ARP
every 60 seconds, DECnet hosts and IGRP signal every 15 seconds, and Banyan VINES signals every 90
29. An autonomous system can only exist if all routers in that system meet which criteria?
* interconnected
* run the same routing protocol
* assigned same autonomous system number
* run IGRP only
* run RIP only
Correct answer: A,B &C
An autonomous system is a set of routers and networks under the same administration. Each router must be
interconnected, run the same routing protocol, and assigned the same autonomous system number. The
network Information Center (NIC) assigns a unique autonomous system number to enterprises.
30. A default route is analogous to a _________.
* default gateway
* static route
* dynamic route
* one-way route
Correct answer: A
A default route is analogous to a default gateway. It is used to reduce the length of routing tables and to
provide complete routing capabilities when a router might not know the routes to all other networks.
31. Routers can learn about destinations through static routes, default, or dynamic routing. By default, a router
will use information derived from __________.
* IP
Correct answer: A
The quality of information is rated:
Connected interface 0
Static route 1
IGRP 100
RIP 120
Unknown 255
The lower the value, the more reliable the source with 255 signifying information that the router will
ignore. So, the router will use IGRP, rated at 100, before RIP, rated at 120.
32. You are logged into a router, what command would show you the IP addresses of routers connected to
* show cdp neighbors detail
* show run
* show neighbors
* show cdp
Correct answer: A
33. As a system administrator, you perform an extended ping at the privileged EXEC prompt. As part of the
display, you see “Set DF bit in IP header? [yes] :” What would happen if you answered no at the prompt.
* This lets the router fragment the packet.
* It tells the router not to fragment the packet.
* This lets the router direct the packet to the destination it finds in its routing table.
* It tell the router to send the packet to the next hop router
Correct answer: A
“Set DF bit in IP header?” is a response to an extended ping at the router. If you answer yes (the default)
the router will not fragment the packet. If you answer no, the router will fragment the packet.
34. You have typed “ping” and get the following display: Type escape sequence to abort. Sending
5, 100-byte ICMP Echoes to, timeout is 2 seconds:
What does the “.” signify?
* That one message timed out.
* That all messages were successful.
* That one message was successful.
* That one message completed in under the allotted timeframe.
Correct answer: A
The possible responses from the ping command are: ! Successful receipt of an echo reply. Timed out
waiting for a reply U Destination unreachable C Congestion-experienced packet I Ping interrupted ?
Packet type unknown & Packet TTL exceeded
35. Which command, that is used to test address configuration, uses Time-To-Live (TTL) values to generate
messages from each router.
* trace
* ping
* telnet
* bootp
Correct answer: A
The Cisco IOS EXEC command “trace [protocol] [destination]” is used to discover routes that packets will
travel to their destination hosts. Trace uses TTL (Time to Live) values to report destination route
36. What does the command “IP name-server accomplish?
* It sets the domain name lookup to be a local broadcast.
* This is an illegal command.
* It disables domain name lookup.
* The command is now defunct and has been replaced by “IP server-name ip any”
Correct answer: A
By default DNS is enabled on a router with a server address of, which provides for a local
37. As a system administrator, you need to provide your routers with a Domain Name System (DNS) server.
How many DNS servers can you specify with one command?
* 6
* 1
* 2
* 4
Correct answer: A
You can only specify six name servers in one command. The syntax is “IP name-server server-address1 [[
server-address2 ]…server-address6]. You must also enable
38. How would you configure one host name that points to two IP addresses?
* IP host jacob
* IP jacob
* IP host jacob
* IP host duplicate “all”
Correct answer: A
The correct syntax is IP host name [ TCP-port-number ] address [ address ]….. So, “IP host P1R1 is the correct choice. “IP host jacob only points the host name jacob to one IP address–
39. The following selections show the command prompt and the configuration of the IP network mask. Which
two are correct?
* Router#term IP netmask-format { bitcount | decimal | hexadecimal }
* Router(config-if)#IP netmask-format { bitcount | decimal | hexadecimal }
* Router(config-if)#netmask-format { bitcount | decimal | hexadecimal }
* Router#ip netmask-format { bitcount | decimal | hexadecimal }
Correct answer: A & B
Router#term IP netmask-format { bitcount | decimal | hexadecimal } and Router(config-if)#IP netmaskformat
{ bitcount | decimal | hexadecimal } are correct. You can configure the mask for the current session
and you can configure it for a specific line.
40. When configuring the subnet mask for an IP address, which formats can be used?
* dotted-decimal.
* Hexadecimal
* Bit-count
* Octal
* Binary
Correct answer: A, B &C
41. You are given the following address: Determine the subnet mask, address class, subnet
address, and broadcast address.
*, B,,
*, C,,
*, C,,
*, C,,
Correct answer: A
42. You are given the following address: Determine the subnet mask, address class, subnet
and broadcast address.
*, B,,
*, C,,
*, B,,
*, B,,
Correct answer: A
43. You are given the following address: Determine the subnet mask, address class, subnet
and broadcast address.
*, A,,
*, B,,
*, A,,
*, A,,
Correct answer: A
44. You have an IP host address of and a subnet mask of What is the
broadcast address?
Correct answer: A
The easiest way to calculate this is to subtract (subnet mask) from, this
equals 7. Convert the address to binary–11001001 11011110 00000101 01111001. Convert
mask to binary–11111111 11111111 11111111 11111000. AND them together to get:
11001001 11011110
45. 01111000 or is the subnet address, add 7 to this address for
the broadcast address. through are the valid host addresses.
46. Given the address and the subnet mask of How many hosts are available?
* 254
* 510
* 126
* 16,372
Correct answer: A
172.16.2 120 is a standard Class B address with a subnet mask that allows 254 hosts. You are a network
administrator and have been assigned the IP address of You need to have 20 subnets with 5
hosts per subnet. The subnet mask is
47. Which addresses are valid host addresses?
Correct answer: A,B & D
Subnet addresses in this situation are all in multiples of 8. In this example, is the subnet, is the broadcast address. The rest are valid host IDs on subnet
48. You are a network administrator and have been assigned the IP address of You need to have
20 subnets with
49. hosts per subnet. What subnet mask will you use?
Correct answer: A
By borrowing 5 bits from the last octet, you can. have 30 subnets. If you borrowed only 4 bits you could
only have 14 subnets. The formula is (2 to the power of n)-2. By borrowing 4 bits, you have (2×2x2×2)-
2=14. By borrowing 5 bits, you have (2×2x2×2x2)-2=30. To get 20 subnets, you would need to borrow 5
bits so the subnet mask would be
50. You are given the IP address of with a subnet mask of What is the network
address in binary?
* 10101100 00010000
* 00000010 10100000
* 10101100 00000000
* 11100000 11110000
Correct answer: A
To find the network address, convert the IP address to binary–10101100 000100000 00000010 10100000–
then ANDed it with the subnet mask–11111111 11111111 00000000 00000000. The rest is 10101100
00010000 00000000 00000000, which is in decimal.
The first octet rule states that the class of an address can be determined by the numerical value of the first